How to treat sweating in children with folk methods

All mothers want their children to be healthy. Even a small pimple on their baby's body will not hide from the attention of caring moms. In summer, when it is hot, the work of the sweat glands increases, the body's heat exchange is disrupted and the delicate skin of the child sometimes becomes covered with a pink rash. It is also called sweating. This skin disease also occurs in children of the first months of life, since their sweat glands have not yet fully matured.

The causes of sweating may be excessively warm clothes, poor ventilation of the baby's skin, rare bathing, unjustified use of diapers in hot weather, the use of oily cream or, for example, goat fat for the treatment of colds, increased humidity in the apartment, prolonged exposure to the sun, climate change (trips to the sea).

By itself, sweating should not frighten, but only alert mothers to take more careful care of their babies. Sweating often goes away on its own. In mild cases, it is possible to cure sweating in 2-3 days, in more complex cases, treatment can last for a month or more. The main thing is to act systematically and comprehensively.

How to cure sweating?

It is believed that in breastfed children, sweating occurs less often and passes faster. Therefore, do not deny your kids such prevention.

Desitin and sanosan are widely used among medicines for the treatment of sweating, and hydrocortisone ointment is used only as prescribed by a doctor in the most difficult cases.

Traditional medicine about the treatment of sweating

For the treatment of sweating, traditional medicine has saved up a lot of recipes. For wiping, use a weak soda solution (1 teaspoon per 250 ml of boiled water), infusions of chamomile, calendula, turnip, bay leaf (7 leaves per 250 ml of boiling water). For bathing, a weak solution of potassium permanganate (pale pink), infusions of the above-mentioned herbs, as well as yarrow, oak bark, birch buds, walnut leaves are prepared.

To prepare a medicinal infusion, take one tablespoon of herbs, pour it with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. The cooled broth is filtered and poured into a bathing tub and or problem areas are treated with it. When bathing, household soap is also used, which is used to lather the places of rashes.

If sweating occurs, you should carefully monitor the rashes, take a number of measures and, perhaps, it will be possible to avoid the spread of the rash. Sweating is an irritation, in some cases it is accompanied by itching. If the rashes are abundant, too red, their localization increases, bubbles, wounds, crusts appear, all this is accompanied by itching, then this is an excuse to visit a doctor immediately! Bahisbey Giriş Casino Oyunları <br>



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